
2010 / Mathematics I

Mathematics I


STUDY: Computer Systems Maintenance

Course: Mathematics I



Lectures + Exercises:


ECTS Credits:






Course Objective: Acquisition of mathematical reasoning, consolidation of basic high school mathematics and acquisition of basic differential and integral calculus.

Course Contents: NUMBERS. MATHEMATICAL LANGUAGE. Arithmetical expressions. Algebraic expressions. Equations. Application of equations. FUNCTIONS. The definition of function – function rule, function graph, domain , set of values. Continuity. Sign of function. Increase, decrease and extrema. Concavity and inflection points. Elementary functions. Linear function. Square function. Polynomials and rational functions. Roots and powers. Exponential and logarithmic functions. Trigonometric and arcus functions. DERIVATIVE. The definition of derivative. Calculus of derivatives. Mechanical applications of derivatives. INTEGRALS. The definition of indefinite integral and basic calculating rules. Mechanical applications of indefinite integral. The definition of definite integral. Basic calculating rules. Mechanical applications of definite integral.

General and Specific Competencies (Knowledge and Skills): Comprehension and use of mathematical language. Recognition of elementary functions and application of their features in a given context. Application of differential and integral calculus in the analysis on disparate processes.

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