
2010 / Electrical Engineering II

Electrical Engineering II


STUDY: Computer Systems Maintenance

Course: Electrical Engineering II



Lectures + Exercises:


ECTS Credits:






Course Objective: Gaining basic knowledge in the field of electric circuits of alternating current, properties and principles of analog and digital measuring instruments, electric circuits of alternating current, measurements in the field of direct and alternating current and electric measurements of non-electric magnitudes.

Course Contents: Basic physical magnitudes and definitions of SI system units. Accomplishing the ampere and volt units. Measuring resistors, condensers and coils. Laboratory sources. Absolute and relative errors. Measurement errors. Accidental errors, Gauss or normal division. Electric measuring instruments. Measuring resistance by ohmmeter, US method, by Wheatstone and Thomson’s bridge for direct current. Compensators. Digital measuring instruments, A/D conversion and errors of an A/D converter. Errors of digital measuring instruments. Sinuous magnitudes and shape factors. Basic effects of alternating current. Power and energy of sinuous electric current and power measuring. Classification of bridges for alternating current. An instrument with movable coil and semi-conductor rectifier. Connection to alternating voltage of resistance, capacity and inductance. Serial and parallel connections of a condenser and resistor. Serial and parallel connections of inductance and a resistor. Ohm’s law for alternating current. Serial and parallel RLC connection, resonance. Working, idle and apparent powers of alternating current. Measuring capacity, inductance and frequence. Coil with an iron core. an ideal transformer with the iron core. Autotransformer. Basic magnetic measurements. Measuring high voltages. Measuring of grounding resistance by the UI method. Measuring soil resistance. Cable troubleshooting. Electrical measuring of non-electrical magnitudes and associated converters.

General and Specific Competencies (Knowledge and Skills): Basic knowledge of physical components of electrical engineering relevant to alternating voltage and current, properties and principles of dealing with mains. Knowledge and skills of proper use and handling of analog and digital instruments and measuring equipment. Familiarisation with the problems of complex measurements in the field of alternating voltage and current.

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