
2010 / Computer Maintenance

Computer Maintenance


STUDY: Computer Systems Maintenance

Course: Computer Maintenance



Lectures + Exercises:


ECTS Credits:






Course Objective: Gaining basic knowledge of types and causes of faults on electronic components and equipment, adverse effect of the environment on proper work of the equipment, and the importance of preventive maintenance. Gaining specific knowledge needed for successful computer diagnostics and maintenance.

Course Contents:

1)     Basic knowledge. Safety of electrical installations. Protective classes of equipment. Definitions of quality and the relationship between quality and reliability of equipment. Causes and types of faults on electronic components. Basic definitions of equipment faults. Reliability of electronic components. Equipment reliability and availability. Planning office hours for repair. Definitions of mass and grounding. Static and protection against it. Equipment resistance to static. Electromagnetic compatibility and relevant regulations. Approach to equipment repair. Maintenance tasks and levels. Maintenance of analog and digital devices. Basic structure and organisation of servicing.

2)     Computer diagnostics and maintenance. Typical faults of analog and digital components. Direct voltage sources. Protection against electrostatic discharge. PC standards. Components of a minimum PC configuration. Scheduled PC maintenance. PC software basis. Compatibility between an operating system and computer circuits, BIOS. PC compatibility and problems of compatibility in practice. Programs for PC diagnostics. Problems in the work of memory, processor, hard disk and power supply unit. Introduction into the practice of fault finding and verification of proper work. Work with programs for testing PC functioning. Methodology of replacing faulty components.

General and Specific Competencies (Knowledge and Skills): General knowledge of the safety of electrical installations and device structure. Comprehension of the definitions of equipment quality and reliability. Identifying the causes of component faults. Preventive maintenance schedule. Practical application of basic methods and procedures of finding faults in the work of electronic equipment and PCs. Familiarisation with the structure and organisation of servicing.

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